Friday, July 23, 2010

Pronounced ˈdeɪʒɑ ˈvu

Déjà vu has become a weekly occurrence. For some time this phenomenon was absent in my life. An uncanny, comforting feeling washes over me when experienced. Typically during insignificant moments.

In other news, my new job is awesome. I'm an on call receptionist/ anything you need help with, assistant. I dislike schedules immensely, so this is right up my alley. Sporadic part time is my forte. Everyone I met was insanely nice, and their generosity is more than appreciated. (I got a ton of swag for one, half day of training.) Where is this non-committal job dealt from the gods? Skullcandy. You know, skullcandy headphones. Yep, that's the one.

Think I'm going to buy a family set of soviet issued gas masks from the army surplus store.

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